The four of us went to the Renaissance Faire a couple of weekends ago. It was a lot of fun. We went to see this show, the Broon Show, a comedy, juggling kind of show. Riley got chosen to be a part of the show. I was nervous that he wouldn't want to do it, but he got up, and went onstage!

His job was to hold a bowling ball (and wear a silly hat), and then hand the bowling ball to Broon, so that he could juggle it along with a lit torch, and an apple that someone else from the audience was to throw to him.

He did a great job, and enjoyed himself too.
Things at school are going really well for Riley. He's on top of his work (well except for the English homework that he never took out of the printer from Wednesday), and nobody is bothering him. He has a PE teacher who is pretty freaking awesome! She is really trying to work with him. He now goes, every day, to the office to take two puffs from his inhaler (exercise induced asthma) before going to PE. He was having trouble remembering (tell us something we don't already know), but his PE teacher enlisted the help of his 1st period music teacher, to help remind him. He's still complaining that he can't breathe, and his teacher indicated there were good days and bad, but she's not giving up on him. I so totally appreciate that! I think we will have a meeting for his 504 plan, soon.
Riley's testing is on October 17, at the Regional Center. Lucile Packard called, and his name finally came up there! Only she called to say that our health insurance wouldn't pay. Kevin was told they would. I was bitching about it on Twitter and was contacted by someone at Cigna, and they are currently working on it. We really don't need them to do the testing any longer, but I want to be able to take him there, because of their research and knowledge on Autism. I need to call the Behavioral Benefits person at Cigna, tomorrow and see what they say. It pays to bitch, and it pays to do it in a public way.
So far, so good. Riley feels good about school and most importantly, himself. He is working hard, and we are so proud of him.
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